Dr. Kaye is the founder of Sisters in Height. She is a 6’3″ mother, sister, professional, and crafter living in Texas (USA) with her family to include several fur babies (pets).

She is an introvert and spends a great deal of her time reading and researching. Also, she considers herself as someone who is always thirsting to learn more about various topics. She says she is a “lifetime learner” and an “active listener” since she spends a lot of her time reflecting or listening to what others have to say.

After having struggled with insecurity about her height and trying desperately to “fit in.”

She determined a few years after college to live life on her terms by embracing her “Gift of Height”, her uniqueness, and her interest in doing those things that “tall people” should not be doing.

Some of those things that tall people should not do like stand in the front while taking group pictures or splashing water all over the floors in the bathroom while trying to adjust the showerhead…lol

While researching and watching others around her Kaye saw a void in outreach as it related to this niche community and started the Sisters in Height™ initiative.

Since starting, she has seen several other grassroot movements about tall females flood the internet, which she believes is exactly what the doctor ordered for young tall female.

When asked “what do you think about all of the other competitors, like Tall Society, Wexist, TallSwag?” she stated,

“I don’t think of them as competition at all because they are my sisters in height and we have a shared goal of helping one another. To think of them as my competitors would be counter productive, because ultimately I want as much information available to tall females as possible.”

Then, she goes on to say, “It is not easy being tall. It requires a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with people, finding clothing/shoes that fit just right, and walking proudly in spaces that are too small or filled with low hanging objects.

Sometimes it takes a female-to-female conversation or interaction to help get pass some of the frustrations of being tall and that is what all of my sisters in height are doing with their initiatives.”

Kaye has a Doctorate in Education and spends a great deal of time researching the affects of being tall. Although there are several ailments mentioned about being tall, she is adamant that there are several people that were just meant to be tall. Kaye stated,

to be tall is not an imperfection. It is a beautiful addition to all of the other beautiful things about females.

Kaye hopes to motivate other tall females to take the initiative to share their experience and inspire the next tall female within this seemingly small world (no pun intended).

Sisters in Height™ is a US educational, 501(c)3 nonprofit cause providing informational resources and unifying the tall female community across the world. Articles express love, appreciation, or feedback of the things that catch our interest. Photos on the site are provided for use by sistersinheight.com only. We cannot grant permission for use of these photos.