Sisters in Height™ is a US educational, 501(c)3 nonprofit program to provide information and resources to tall females and the community.

Dr. Kaye is a 6’3″ female and the founder of Sisters in Height™. She has dedicated her adult life to helping other tall females of various heights and ages come together and share their experiences.

As an adult, she now knows that to be a tall female does not mean you must stand alone through your many trials and tribulations. There are other tall females sharing similar experiences. She wants to spend the remaining of her life getting to know other tall females and speaking about the “Gift Of Height.”

Our mission is to educate others and provide information in a way that positively impacts the quality of life for tall females and their friends.

Our vision of the program is To serve as a pillar in the tall community by sharing information and providing support through education and engagement.

The current goals for the program are to:

  • network
  • build an online presence
  • continue educating others and researching topics as it relates to being a tall female

In order to meet some of our goals, we are going to need your help!

Please take a moment to like, follow, and share our content on social media.

Also, please submit your ideas, photos, and stories to be shared on our website.

As a 501(c)(3) non profit initiative consider volunteering your time or skill sets in order for the program to reach as many tall females as possible.

Inquire for more information.

If you do not have the time but want to financially support, we are always accepting donations. DONATE

We are hoping to hear from you!!